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Business Team


Personal Branding

Business Communication

On a basic level, your success in life and in business depends on the art of communicating well. And the higher you go in business, the more public speaking will be part of your job description.


A 2005 survey of 100 Fortune 1000 companies by Burson- Marsteller revealed that CEOs receive an average of 175 requests a year to speak at conferences.

Business Meeting

Leadership Development

A lack of leadership development impacts your organization in many ways. It can result in high turnover, low morale, absenteeism, lost productivity, and more.


Leadership is critical to all businesses. Today, the candidates who showcase leadership qualities can have an edge over their contemporaries.

Business People

Presentation Skills

Giving a presentation is an inevitable part of being in business. From product presentations to board room reports to motivational speeches, presentations are required as they go that step further to persuade, inform, motivate or inspire others.

Business Presentation

Negotiation Skills

As a business owner or manager, you participate in various negotiations every day. If you are hiring a new employee: you negotiate their salary.


When you are talking to a prospective company, you negotiate your terms of business. It is hard to stress how essential negotiation skills are when you are running a business.

Business handshake

Public Speaking


Time Management

Business Meeting




Conflict Management

Business People Applauding

Team Building


Customer Service

In our hands-on interactive workshops you will gain the understanding of how to master the new codes of contemporary international behavior to position yourself as credible, knowledgeable, cultured and authoritative; thereby making a positive and lasting impression every time, everywhere.

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