Our Training Programmes offers an extensive range of private and small group coaching tailored to meet the exact requirements of our clients. We will ensure your coaching needs are met precisely and with the utmost discretion.
Customer Service Training
Especially for the hospitality and retail sectors. We all recognise and appreciate first-class customer service, but it can be hard to identify exactly what made an experience so memorable. Our business protocol and etiquette workshops will ensure that you are equipped with that defining element in your hospitality and customer service skills, setting you apart from companies whose products are essentially the same as your own.

Children Etiquette & Personality Development
This course is an activity-based training to help children achieve their full potential. Attending this course can help your child overcome shyness, gain confidence and develop positive self-esteem. This course will reinforce the education of proper etiquette and good manners, as well as strengthen their ability to interact with others.
Topics Covered
Improve Self Esteem & Self Confidence
Ability to Set & Achieve Goals
Communication & Interpersonal Skills
Body Language
Public Speaking Skills
Power of Positive Attitude
Creative Thinking
Personal Grooming
Social Etiquette
Dining Etiquette
Stress Management

Deportment & Elegance
Deportment simply means to understand the way you carry yourself and the implications that has.
The deportment and elegance class focuses on a person’s daily posture.
This includes, teaching each person how to sit in chairs correctly, how to walk with perfect posture and stand looking graceful and polished. Students will be guided individually and will be expected in each class to sit and walk correctly.
Good posture makes you look taller and more confident. We teach the basics of remembering people’s names and extending personal touches. We also cover public manners, elegant composure, confidence and control.

Other Services:
Afternoon Tea Etiquette
Wedding Etiquette
Host and Guest Etiquette
Party Etiquette
Social Etiquette
Work Place Civility