Steve Jobs was not only a tech visionary but also a fashion icon, he understood the power of clothing and the psychological effects it has in making an impression. He was well-known for his distinctive style of a black turtleneck, trousers, and sneakers, which he wore at Apple product launches and other public events.
Few people know that Steve Jobs's look was created by Issey Miyake, a well-known Japanese designer and stylist to create a personal brand as per his values, lifestyle and business goals.
His clothing style conveyed various messages about his personality and values:
1. Branding: His trademark attire became a symbol for both his personal brand and the Apple brand. He reinforced his connection to Apple and his role as the company's public image by wearing the same outfit at every public engagement.
2. Personality: People with high intelligence or who are artistic prefer to dress plainly. The use of solid colors conveys professionalism and dignity.
3. Approachability: His clothing style was simple, which conveyed a sense of approachability and made it simpler for people to speak freely with him.
4. Simplicity and Elegance: Jobs was well-known for his emphasis on producing products and experiences that were simple, elegant, and simple to use. With its clean lines, basic design, and absence of flashy accessories, His clothing reflected the same message.
5. Aggressiveness/Alertness is Created by Black Colour: He was also known for his strong and occasionally difficult management style, which included being highly demanding and critical of his team's work, it resonated well with his personality.
By wearing the same outfit during his public appearances, he was able to project a sense of dependability, simplicity, and priority to the products and ideas he was presenting, rather than himself, all of which were aligned with his personal values and the values of Apple as a firm.